Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Murder Clues

The Murder Clues

Debut single

Things that by myself I just can’t find

Angela Macari O’Looney

The sheer magnetism of this band of young talented musicians reaches out to a cross section of ages and music tastes. They have come up with an up-to-the-minute style and yet maintain a certain something, which would be more synonymous with such bands as The Who, The Strokes, The Arctic Monkeys and acts which would have been around before they were born!

That quality is the power to create well structured numbers that suit Brian’s vocals, plus lively rhythms, exciting lead riffs and baselines to compliment each and every phrase of a song. There’s a maturity in their music that is a pleasant surprise to find in a band that are all so young and are really only starting out.

Formerly known as Bravado, The Murder Clues hail from Raheny and members are Brian/Vocals, Gaz/ Drums, Corcy/ Bass, Milky/Guitar, Kev/ Guitar.

Things that by myself I just can’t find

This song just bursts straight out at you with an explosive beat, lively lead guitar and choppy chords. The intro is repeated, then there’s a pause!
Brian starts the verse with the first line ‘like the breeze I’m soft and brittle’. I like the barely there backing vocals and the contradictive nature of the sentiment. Chords are complex, with strategically placed discords, which seem to be a signature of The Murder Clues’ music. Busy bass a la Corcy revs things up, while those bashing beats and magical rolls are supplied by the adorable Gaz on drums.

Delicious lead guitar takes you up to the chorus which is alive and full to the brim with sensational little riffs (Kev) and that general cheekiness that makes this band so appealing. There’s a catchy echoing of the lead singer’s lines by the rest of the band throughout the chorus.

That blistering lead riff comes in once more, lots of distortion-packed chords surrounding it. Chord combinations throughout are magical and the melody is catchy.
The lead solo is short and sweet with lots of screaming notes, Milky’s fingers gliding from top notes right down the frets of his guitar.

The last verse is done with a pull back of guitars and just Brian’s vocals with rhythm. He has just enough grittiness in his voice, but also a no-nonsense way of performing a song using every vocal muscle to project each note, like a fine tuned instrument. Brian and his crew waste no time putting on airs and graces. They just let the music do all the talking!

Harmony becomes fuller behind Brian’s passionate pouring out of the final chorus.
I was a sceptic initially where this band was concerned, but they eventually got under my skin. This single is only a taster and already has had airplay, with some other Murder Clues songs on Paul McCloone’s show on Today FM. Having also heard many of their songs at gigs, I can bet that this debut single will be the first of many for a band that are exciting and are ready to take on the world!

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