Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hatch Sixteen

Fox Jaw Bounty Hunters

Hatch Sixteen (Single)

Angela Macari O’Looney

Fox Jaw Bounty Hunters are a band with a unique, yet appealing style. From Limerick, this Blues/ Rock outfit had great success with their last single Thread the Needle. They also drew a lot of critical acclaim with their E.P. Congress of Oddities, so their debut album The Devil in Music, due for release this month looks like it will also be an enjoyable experience.

Band members are Ronan Mitchell-Vocals/Guitar/Keys, Morgan Nolan-Guitar/Vocals/Keys, Shane Serrano-Drums, Clarinet, Vocals and Sean O’Mahony-Bass/Vocals.

Influences include David Bowie, Ojos Rojos, Beastie Boys, The Strokes, Boss Volenti and many more. They have shared stages with names such as Ham Sandwich, Giveamanakick, Hayseed Dixie, Steriogram, Director, and Against Me! .

Hatch Sixteen

Opening up with a fast lively intro, this number involves catchy chord combinations and a memorable refrain you’ve gotta love this town. Ronan’s vocal style is perfect for this type of song, with his drawl and that hint of grit that adds to his charm.

Guitars create a big sound with rhythmic riffs here and there and Morgan’s lead particularly exciting, where he plays some wonderful bending notes.

There’s a slow down for the middle eight, where the lads sing Ahs, guitars trickle and give a sense of suspense, but then things burst back into life again with the last energy charged chorus. Guitars a-blazing, drums a-thumping, this has the sing along quality you find in most of FJBH’s music.
It’s another sample from the new album that I find refreshing, fun and really enjoyable,
A little taster before the main course, which I’m sure is going to be riveting.

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