Sixteen Layers
The Big Canadian Fundraiser
The Sugar Club
Angela Macari O’Looney
I became familiar with Sixteen Layers music in ’09, when I was asked to review their CD I Am No One. From the get go they captured my imagination, with their wonderful songs and their heavy, but very musical rock sound.
My first experience of them live, was in November ’09 in The Think Tank, Temple Bar. Even more impressive live, they left me vowing I’d be following their star. So, when manager Emer McGrath told me about this gig, which would help finance a trip to Canada for the band’s appearance at Canadian Music Fest 2010 and a big tour, I was delighted to get another chance to hear their lovely set once again.
It was my first visit to this venue and I liked the graduated seating, which gave each member of the audience a great view of the stage.
Identity Parade
With a talented front man in Kevin Homan, this sharp Indie Rock band played a fabulous set. The other four ID Parade members are Conor Nolan – Lead Guitar, Paul Gilligan – Bass, John Kennedy – Keys/Organ and Daniel O’Sullivan – Drums. Shortlisted in the Hotpress 2010 ‘London Calling’, this upbeat five piece act have already built up quite a large faithful following.
Harmonies are well placed in each of this bands enjoyable set and instrumentals impressive. Keyboards are particularly good and melodies very catchy. They performed Ooh Ooh, which has an exciting intro, a great baseline and a thumping beat. Kevin’s vocals are confident. I like the seductive vocal style he uses for the chorus. The catchy intro is repeated throughout this fast number.
They continued with Prying Eyes, Always Right, Feel Alright, Standing in the Sun, Collette Collar, Vampires, Plagued, Six Shades of Blue and When You Go. Each number was memorable, with guitars first class. But I picked out my own personal favourites.
Collette Collar – There’s a choppy verse in this and a key change, which lifts the dynamic right up. Explosive chorus!
Lead solo outstanding and harmony seamless.
Vampires – I found Conor’s lead excellent here; particularly a gorgeous trickling riff and I enjoyed how it starts off laid back, building up. Backing vocals added to the chorus and Conor performed a sweet lead solo towards the end.
A big bashing song, Plagued involves a sweet riff throughout the chorus. This went down well with the audience. Guitars are brilliant here and this whole number has a dramatic feel to it.
When you go
Their new single was their last number. It has a slow intro with electronica very space aged. It stops. It then bursts into life, with a catchy riff framing each line and yet another delicious key change, I really enjoyed the fast pace of this song and I know I’ll be going to see this band again soon. Top class stuff!
Sixteen Layers
A video of the bands song Into the Sun was shown before they took to the stage. I happened to be seated beside the starring actor, Declan and enjoyed meeting him. Accompanying him was singer Lisa Shane and we chatted before the stars of the show arrived. Like the song itself, the video is brilliant.
Monkey Knife Fight
The first song of the set was their new song. Slow, anthemic and with a big rock beat, this involves lots of distortion in the guitars. Lead solo by Dom Muldoon is intoxicating; flanger is used, plus some screeching sound effects. Niall Donnelly, vocalist and rhythm guitar is loaded with NRG.
Members of Sixteen Layers are Niall Donelly- Lead vocals/Rhythm guitar, Dom Muldoon – Lead guitar, John Colbert – Bass/ Backing Vox and Tim McGrath – Drums.
Influences include Queens of the Stoneage, Pearl Jam, The Beatles, Nine Inch Nails and many more. This band have definitely touched a nerve with me and I was delighted to see such a great turnout for them, this being the same night that Ireland won in the Rugby and there were a lot of things happening in Dublin City.
The fab intro to one of my favourites ;No Strings rang out across the Sugar Club. It involves a sliding guitar riff which is for me a key feature of this soulful, but rhythmic number. Twin guitars do a short lead break and there’s a dramatic alternation of beat for the middle eight. Harmony is quite special and Niall’s vocals here show stopping!
The theme song from their album I Am No One was next and in this bigger venue, it sounded a million times more powerful. The lads were in full flow and the audience were totally lapping it up, every word of the chorus sung out with the band.
This is a choppy song, with percussion sweet and distortion packed guitars delicious. Screaming riffs and the key change for the harmonic chorus made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. The lead solo was electric, with big dramatic drum rolls and bashing beats adding to the atmosphere.
Simple as a Kiss – This new song involves lots of bass. Harmony is close and the melody line in the chorus catchy. Dom Muldoon lets loose, with mind blowing lead guitar hi jinx.
Torch – With a big explosive intro, this number is amazing. I sung this with Niall since it’s one of my many favourites from their album and I love the chorus. Dom’s guitar solo is outstanding here, Niall’s vocal range particularly impressive too. Love the sexy chord combos and distortion charged middle eight in this number. Riveting stuff!
Exile – Slow and moody, this number is beautiful. Lead guitar shines as does Niall’s performance. Lyrics are poignant; I don’t need oxygen to breathe, no I have everything that I need. Thanks but no thanks, I will swim in my own stream.
Dom’s fluent solo and surrounding guitar bits are totally divine and Niall sings the last bit with just his own acoustic guitar. The crowd sung with him here and the atmosphere was amazing.
Hurt was next, where harmony is sweet and there’s an interesting use of stop start breaks. Very effective!
The crowd were literally screaming out the dramatic refrain You hurt me with Niall who really lets rip!
Sirens – Chorus is lovely here, rhythm too. Drum rolls are fantastic and Niall and Dom do a fab twin guitar break.
For Over to you there’s a bassy intro. This number was quite new to me but I liked it. Niall introduced it as a real f… off rock song and he wasn’t wrong. Bashing drums, distortion all over the place with a breathtaking lead solo that Dom performs as if he and his guitar are one, all contributed to yet another memorable moment of this spectacular gig!
Sing with your eyes shut involves a resounding guitar intro and a slow verse. A scorching lead solo features in this, Niall giving his all as he pours out the delectable chorus.
Trouble spot with its divine baseline was next and Dom took the limelight once again with a moment of pure lead guitar genius taking place. This number is heavy rock at its best, with each member of the band getting a chance to shine. That crazy alternating beat and the fire in Niall’s belly as he belts out the punchy vocals, make this a number that’s not for the faint hearted!
I could listen to this band forever and they did a huge set, making sure their devoted fans went home with a smile on their faces. After Setting Fires, Niall introduced each member of the band. He also mentioned that the members of the Bray Gospel Choir would be coming up for a couple of songs.
The intro to Former you began, with its elaborate guitars and a thundering baseline. Dramatic, melodic and totally explosive, this number came alive with the choir doing their heavenly refrain; Struck by you. Harmony is just to die for in this song. Every single person sang along and it was a brilliant way to take the show to a close.
It wasn’t the end though, cause after a lot of screams for an encore the band returned to the stage, to treat us to two more numbers, Niall sporting a green rugby jersey.
Big cheers went up and an elaborate guitar intro opened up Lets just sit a while.
Lighters were lit, the audience swaying and the guitar trickled away behind the soulful verse and chorus, with Niall going way up into falsetto. A wonderful key change features in this song.
Into the Sun from the earlier video was the last song of the evening.
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