Hoarsebox ‘Work Party’ Single Launch gig
Crawdaddy 16/01/’10
Angela Macari O’Looney
Hoarsebox, who had a truly successful 2009 were celebrating the launch of their new single Work Party. A big fan, I couldn’t miss an opportunity to hear those perfect harmonies, funky baselines and delightful melody lines. They have built up quite a name for themselves with their Pop/ Soul / Tropical sound. Amazing instrumentation and extraordinary four-part harmonies are what give Johnny, Phil, Max and Kieran that edge!
Alternative act Little Green Cars performed the first set. I got there a little late and had missed them, to my disappointment. However, I was just in time to see the stars of the show arrive onstage.
With big piano chords and a cheerful beat, Rosey was the opening song. In this number, Bassist Kieran Walkin shares vocals with lead Vocalist Johnny Holden, who plays some exciting piano throughout. Philip on lead guitar did a great solo.
Add it up was next. Johnny sings the verse in falsetto, while drummer Max Carpio sings harmony. There’s a nice bit where Johnny claps and encourages the audience to clap along too. The mood seemed a bit subdued for a hoarsebox gig, but this lifted things a little and gradually everybody got into full party mode!
No More Tears involves yet more scintillating harmony, lots of do do do’s and a prominent baseline. I particularly enjoyed the part in this number where the guys do some tricky vocal percussion. Its little touches like this that make this band so special and what draws people back for more.
Do it to the letter, one of my favourite songs was next. The now increasing audience began to move closer to the stage.
All I need – This funky song has a cheeky slapping baseline, excellent close harmony and is such a feel good number, with some unusual jazzy discords to wake you up. With one or two lovely guitar breaks, this has a sweet melody.
The Club with its alternating beat was next. There are lots of oohs in the middle eight which is sung. I like this one.
Seahorse, with a jazzy sound was next, followed by the new single introduced by charming lead singer Johnny.
Work Party – Splashes of funky lead guitar, framed by a vital baseline take you into this exciting number. Johnny performs a catchy riff on Keys and it changes to a choppy beat for one or two bars. It resumes the original funky tempo, as Philip on guitar does a sliding riff. In the chorus the lads sing the line I wanna work work work which has a really gorgeous melody to it. The chords are absolute heaven here. They got the crowd involved in this with everybody singing and clapping for the chorus. This number is well named!
They did a delightful song called Nana. Johnny jokes that it’s about his granny and is dedicated to all Grannies. The Piano riff is the nicest bit of this one.
Witch hunt which I find is very different to other Hoarsebox numbers was next. I like the chorus in this; Please don’t burn me at the stake, no don’t throw me in the lake. Chord combos are beautiful here, lead guitar to die for throughout a la Phil Broadbery.
They did a new song Up, with a haunting melody line and wonderful vocals.
Fingermouse – Love the discords, alternating beat, harmony excellent.
HBGB’s – Key change the highlight here, definitely their best older song, this got a really positive reaction from the crowd.
Brave Face – Plucked guitar intro, has a real ‘Police’ style to it, a complex melody line, close harmony and is very catchy.
Inside out is the B side of the double sided new single. This lovely piece begins with big sustained piano chords, lots of resounding ‘NO’s’ are sung in the verse. Guitar does fab riffs and Kieran on bass plays some of the riff along with Phil, which I really found effective. They slow down with no drums as they do this lovely vocal break in a kind of choral style. The rhythm comes back. Love this one!
So much work must go into each of this lovely foursome’s songs, which for me are stunning and just get better and better at every show. They got a huge encore and I was delighted to hear the intro to the new song one more time. They term there music as syncopated harmony and Jazzmatazz.
What a perfect description for sexy, uplifting and colourful songs sung by adorable and hugely talented guys. Johnny explained that they are off to the studio to finish recording their album, which is due for release in Spring 2010. This is being produced by Dennis Herring, who has worked with names such as Modest Mouse, The Hives, Counting Crowes and Elvis Costello. I look forward to that and really wish them lots of luck with it.
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